We had a pretty good turnout at our Semi-Annual meeting at Carla's. Special thanks for Carla for hosting, and cooking for us all!We voted in the following new board members:President: James RossAssistant Match Maker: Rhonda HorneTreasure: Carla Burke (returning)Sergeant-at-arms: Peggy RossWe talked about a great number of things, most noteworthy, new member recruitment, everyone should be helping with recuiting new members that want to travel with the club. Second was sign-ups/availability for m [...more]
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We had a pretty good turnout at our Semi-Annual meeting at Carla's. Special thanks for Carla for hosting, and cooking for us all!We voted in the following new board members:President: James RossAssistant Match Maker: Rhonda HorneTreasure: Carla Burke (returning)Sergeant-at-arms: Peggy RossWe talked about a great number of things, most noteworthy, new member recruitment, everything should be helping with recuiting new members that want to travel with the club. Second was sign-ups/availability for [...more]
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It's that time again! Our Semi-Annual Club Meeting! We have a lot of things to do at this meeting, so please try your hardest to make this one (Remember you need to make at least one a year).
This year we will have our meeting August 20th, right after our match vs High Sierra at home. Carla Burke has offered to host it at our house in Nevada City (11600 Red Dog Rd). 2:00pm. (note that this date was changed on the schedule) The Club will be providing BBQ Chicken (the Chief's Choice) as well as soda's and water. We'd like everyone to a 'side' or snack/desert pot-luck style in addition. Should be great fun to hang out on Carla's new deck!
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