Gold Country Match Club
Date: March 29, 2025
Check-in starts at 12:30 PM
Tournament starts at 1:30 PM
$40 Entry Fee
1. Non-USBC sanctioned tournament. Competition will be singles, 3 games.
Pay-outs will be based on the number of entries.
2. Handicap will be 90 percent of 230
3. Entering average (minimum of 21 games) in order of precedence:
a. Match Club average
b. 2023-2024 USBC season’s composite average
c. 2022-2023 USBC season’s composite average
d. Highest current season average with 21 games
e. If no verifiable average tournament director will determine bowler’s entering average.
4. Complete entry form and fee
(checks made payable to "Gold Country Match Club")
return to Denise Chan at Prosperity Lanes
by mail to:
Gold Country Match Club
c/o Prosperity Lanes
420 Henderson Street
Grass Valley, CA 95945
Deadline: March 1, 2025. Limited to the first 70 sign-ups.
There will be Brackets, 50/50 Pot, and prizes to raffle off.